I found a pretty cool resource for this weeks blog, I have linked it here for your reference. This is actually something I found on the Georgia Department of Education website. It is called the Georgia Numeracy Project, and it is a free resource for teachers and districts in Georgia to help develop students understanding of numbers. As a future math teacher myself, I know that understanding numbers is the root of everything will will do in my classroom. If my students don't understand numbers then they will not be able to apply a number understanding when solving a math problem.
I think the Georgia Numeracy Project is really cool because of how much it offers. If you follow the like I provided, you will see that it is over 80 pages. However, these 80 pages are jammed packed with useful information that we can apply in our classrooms. One thing I really like about it is that it provides examples of student work. I think it is so important to have student work samples when looking at a new resource. I think you can learn a lot about the resource by looking at the students work. Were they able to break down the problem? Did it provide enough or too much of a challenge? These are really important things to think about before implementing it in your own classroom.
Lastly, the GaDOE provides us with many different graphic organizers and necessary information needed if you want to implement the Numeracy Project in your classroom. They walk you though the processes and give you many different resources in order to make it successful. Overall, I think integrating at least some pieces of the Georgia Numeracy Project would be beneficial to both our students and ourselves as the teacher in order to increase number fluency in our classrooms.
ReplyDeleteI love the resource that you have provided here. I definitely agree with you that looking at students work is very beneficial to us as future teachers. I also believe that when students are given an example of how things are supposed to be done, they have a better gauge and a better chance of understanding the task and what all needs to be done.
I really enjoyed checking out your resource and definitely see myself using this in the future.
Word Count: 82