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Showing posts from November, 2019

Single Member Journal Club - Focal Content Area

Journal - Teachers and content area reading: Attitudes, beliefs and change Summary: This article addresses the big debate of whether of not reading should be taught across the content areas and both pre and in service teachers' attitudes toward this. Overall, this article describes the many benefits and need for teaching reading across the curriculum, while also using research to show how it is (or isn't) actually being implemented in classrooms and teachers' opinions on this highly debatable topic. Making Connections: While reading this article, I was able to make many different connections. One thing in particular that stood out was the differences between the pre service and in service teachers that the research pointed out. As a pre service teacher myself, I was able to really put myself in these shoes and think about how this will look in my future classroom. Another thing that stood out to me was the mention of having pre service teachers take a class to think...


Our podcast is linked here .

Strategy Lesson Reflection

The strategy that our lesson plan was based off of was Tweet toText. I was really excited to get to try out this strategy because I could 100% see it being successful in a middle school classroom. How we attacked the lesson was to give students a reading about the orders of operations and then they would solve a problem using a blank tweet. We used a blank paper tweet, but you would also have students post an actually tweet on their twitter. The cool thing about it is that they only get 280 characters, so they have to answer the question using only that. Overall I think our lesson played out pretty well. Some grows that we received were to be more organized and explain the assignment better. I definitely think we could have done a better job with explaining the directions, however it is sometimes hard to do this with four people. I think doing an assignment like this would definitely be easier when you are the only sole teacher and you have created a level of respect with your st...