Growing up in a family of educators, I have always heard the term “writing across the curriculum” but I never understood what that actually meant. Does writing even have a place across the entire curriculum? As a preservice teacher, this has been something that interest me. I want to teach math, and if writing does have a place in mathematics, then how can I best incorporate it? Coming into this semester, I was genuinely excited about this class because honestly, I didn’t see the importance of literary in mathematics. However, here we are 15 weeks later, and I can say, with certainty, that there is a place for literacy within mathematics. When we think about mathematics, most people don’t think about literacy or literature. However, literary is embedded throughout mathematics. One huge piece of literacy is text, and we can see texts in a multitude of different way across mathematics. A text doesn’t have to be a book, poem, or article, in fact, in...
Journal - Teachers and content area reading: Attitudes, beliefs and change Summary: This article addresses the big debate of whether of not reading should be taught across the content areas and both pre and in service teachers' attitudes toward this. Overall, this article describes the many benefits and need for teaching reading across the curriculum, while also using research to show how it is (or isn't) actually being implemented in classrooms and teachers' opinions on this highly debatable topic. Making Connections: While reading this article, I was able to make many different connections. One thing in particular that stood out was the differences between the pre service and in service teachers that the research pointed out. As a pre service teacher myself, I was able to really put myself in these shoes and think about how this will look in my future classroom. Another thing that stood out to me was the mention of having pre service teachers take a class to think...